Home Internacionales Brasil descarta una «acción agresiva» en frontera con Venezuela

Brasil descarta una «acción agresiva» en frontera con Venezuela

Brasil descarta una «acción agresiva» en frontera con Venezuela
El Gobierno de Brasil descartó este viernes una «acción agresiva» en la frontera con Venezuela, después de que el presidente venezolano, Nicolás Maduro, cerrara el paso entre los dos países para impedir la llegada de la ayuda humanitaria.

«Tenemos que aguardar el desarrollo de los acontecimientos. Lo que ya está establecido es que Brasil no va a hacer acción agresiva», afirmó a los periodistas, el ministro de Seguridad Institucional de Brasil, general de la reserva Augusto Heleno Ribeiro.


Corresponsalía Caracas

Cactus24 (22-02-2019)


  1. En la historia de Bitcoin han existido 3 halvings. Cuando se lanzó la minería de Bitcoin, los mineros recibían 50 BTC al extraer con éxito un bloque. En 2012 esta recompensa se redujo a 25 BTC, en 2016 bajó a 12,5 BTC, y en 2020 a 6,25 BTC, después del tercer halving. Por lo general, cada halving ha tenido un impacto en el precio aunque no necesariamente ha sido en el corto plazo. Bitcoin is divorced from governments and central banks. It’s organized through a network known as a blockchain, which is basically an online ledger that keeps a secure record of each transaction and bitcoin price all in one place. Every time anyone buys or sells bitcoin, the swap gets logged. Several hundred of these back-and-forths make up a block. (read more) Bitcoin Cash has been hard forked since its original forking, with the creation of Bitcoin SV. Read more about the difference between Bitcoin, Bitcoin Cash and Bitcoin SV here.
    As CryptoPotato reported earlier, the price crashed to about $22.2K on Binance but has since slightly recovered to where it currently trades. Ether, the second largest cryptocurrency by market value, is down near $2,200, compared to $4,800 record in November. Many other coins and tokens have gotten off to a rough start in 2022, with prices dipping sharply over the last few days. Over $17 billion in crypto value has been wiped out, and the collapse has raised questions about stablecoins in general. The crash has caught the eye of politicians and regulators. While fair-weather individuals who do not believe there is meaning to crypto beyond the accumulation of wealth might fall behind, the cryptocurrency caravan will move on with or without them. The price of Bitcoin against Tether’s USDT stablecoin fell to as low as $8,900 on BitMEX late Monday, while the largest cryptocurrency was trading above $66,000 on rival venues. The price of Bitcoin on the exchange quickly recovered and was trading at $64,284 as of 4:10 p.m Singapore time.


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